
This effect can reduce the color saturation of photos. Please note that You can only reduce the saturation to 80%, 50%, 20%, or to make a full-color photographs by selecting a value of 0%.

Important! The menu with all the effects is placed above the photo when you preview the single picture. When this menu is hidden, you will see only the title - "Effects". To expand it, you have to click on the title. Then you'll see all the effects, you can use for your photos.

To change the saturation of the photo:

  1. open Your album and select a photo;
  2. from the "Effects" menu above the photo choose effect - "Desaturation",

  1. in a preview window you can see the result of this filter,
  2. if you like the result, press "Save" to confirm adjustments,

  1. if you changed your mind and want to apply another filter, press "Cancel".


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